Ways to avoid electrical fires and keep safe at home
Here are a few things you can do around your home to help prevent an electrical fire:- Don’t overload electrical adaptors by plugging too many appliances into one socket
- Keep portable heaters away from flammable materials like papers, curtains and furniture
- Never use a portable heater to dry your clothes
- Turn off any electrical appliances that you are not using, especially at night
- Check cables for damage, wear, and tear
- Don’t use an appliance unless it and its cable are in good condition
- Never leave chip pan fryers and toasters unattended at any time
- Check your sockets regularly to see if there are burn marks or they feel hot – please report to us if they are
- Always buy appliances from a retailer you can trust
- Don’t leave washing machines, tumble dryers or dishwashers running overnight or when you are out
- Always register your electrical appliances so that the manufacturer can contact you if there’s a problem
- Test your smoke alarm regularly
We carry out electrical inspections to your home every five years, please allow us access so we can help keep your home safe.