We try to ensure that the information provided on this site is up to date and accurate. However we cannot accept responsibility for any difficulties or loss caused by inaccurate information and advise you to verify facts before acting upon them. If you are aware of incorrect material, we would appreciate it if you could contact us to let us know and we will take appropriate action.
The website is kept online as much as possible, but it is necessary to remove part or all of the site from service occasionally for maintenance. If you experience ongoing difficulties accessing any part of this site please let us know by contacting us with the details.
Inclusion of links or references to companies or organisations on this website does not imply any endorsement of these organisations or of goods and services provided. The content and availability of pages to which we have provided links is not the responsibility of Solihull Community Housing.
Solihull Community Housing makes every effort to ensure that the material on this website is free of computer viruses. We cannot however be held responsible for any problems which occur as a result of viewing or using material which is made available on this website and we recommend the use of up to date virus checking software at all times.
Some information is collected automatically by the web server and is used by the Solihull Community Housing, in aggregate form, for statistical analysis of visits to the site. If you have concerns or questions about this, please contact us.
Further information on Data Protection issues can be found at www.gov.uk/data-protection
Photographs and images
We have taken great care to select appropriate images for our site, however in some instances the image may not relate to the subject.