We have developed a list of frequently asked questions to help you understand and manage your Biomass heating system.
If you have a question which is not listed below, please take a look at our helpful Biomass User Guide (pdf 3.7 mB). This includes lots of information, images and step-by-step breakdowns to help you use the heating system.
There is no credit on my meter
The heating system is prepayment. Rather than getting a bill, you put credit on your meter to pay for the heating and hot water that you use.
How do I top up the credit?
You can put credit on the meter by:
- Going into a local PayPoint – you will need to take your id card with you
- Calling energy billing on 01623 541401
- Visiting the website energybilling.co.uk and entering your username and password and following the instructions for adding credit to your meter
- Setting up a standing order by calling 01623 675300
Once you have paid your credit it will be topped up on your meter automatically within two hours.
How do you use the emergency credit option?
If you need to use the emergency credit on your meter, please click here (pdf 310 kB).
I have topped up my credit but it’s not showing on the meter
Credit can take up to two hours to show on the meter.
If you have no heating because you have let your credit run out, you can enter the PIN code given to you when you bought the credit. For more information, take a look at the Biomass user guide (pdf 2.6 mB).
I have a fault with the credit meter
If you fault with your credit meter, please call 01623 675300.
The office is open weekdays from 9am-5pm.
I need to order a replacement top up card
If you need to order a replacement top up card, call us on 0121 717 1515.
We will process your order and deliver your card to you by post or by an Estate Assistant within two working days.
My radiators do not feel hot to touch
The Biomass heating system has been designed to achieve the room temperature of 21 degrees in the lounge and bedroom, and 18 degrees in the hallway and bedrooms. The radiators will not be hot to touch but the air in the rooms should be of the right temperature.
I have a problem with the radiator, what should I do?
Please follow the steps below:
- 1. Check that the control valve on the radiator is working
- 2. If the radiators only feel warm but the air is hot, the heating it working. Biomass aims to keep a balanced temperature throughout the property
- 3. Check the thermostat is set correctly, this is the white control box on the wall in the hallway or kitchen. Make sure the time is not set, the dial is pointing towards the red sun and it set between 18-21 degrees Celsius
- 4. Check the batteries in the thermostat – turn the dials and if there is not a clicking sound then the batteries need changing
If you still have a problem with the radiator after following the steps, please call 0121 717 1515.
My heating and hot water are not working
If you are having issues with your heating and hot water, please follow the steps below.
- 1. Check you have electricity in the property – the heating will not work if there is no electricity
- 2. Check the fuse spur switch – you will find this in the kitchen where the boiler unit is, it looks like a light switch
- 3. Check there is credit on the meter
- 4. Check to see if the hot water is working by running the tap for at least 15 seconds
- 5. Check the thermostat timer is not set – the thermostat is the white control box in the hallway or kitchen. Make sure the dial is pointing towards the red sun and is set between 18-21 degrees celsuis
- 6. Check the batteries in the thermostat – if the dials do not make a clicking noise when you turn them the batteries need changing. Please also make sure the batteries are insert the right way
- 7. Check the control valve on the radiator and make sure they are turned up and on
If you are still experiencing problems after following these steps, please call 0121 717 1515.
How do I control the heating and temperature?
You can do this in three ways:
- 1. Use the time control so you can set when it comes on and goes off
- 2. Use the room thermostat to control the overall temperature of your home
- 3. Use the individual thermostatic radiator valves to turn the temperature up or down in individual rooms
My heating will not turn off
If you need to turn the heating off, you can do this by taking out the batteries or switching the unit off by the spurs switch.
If the heating will still not turn off, please contact us on 0121 717 1515.
My fuse spur switch is not working
Your fuse spur switch is in the cupboard in the kitchen where the boiler unit is – it looks like a light switch.
When the spurs switch is on, a red light should show.
If the light is off please check your electricity fuse board, this is usually in the kitchen or hallway near the front door. All the switches on the fuse board should be facing the same way.
If you are still experiencing problems, please call 0121 717 1515.