Improving neighbourhoods is about investing in our communities, enhancing places where people live, and tackling anti-social behaviour, domestic and other forms of abuse.
If you love your neighbourhood and want to help us make improvements, you can support us in many ways.
Ways to get involved:
- Block Advocates – – you can become our “eyes and ears” in the block you live in. You can help us by reporting repairs, monitoring the communal cleaning and grass-cutting contracts. You can also give out information to other residents.
- Community Advocates – you can become a Community Advocate to support your local community and help to deliver community projects.
- Resident Associations – you can start or join a residents association where you can come together with other residents, maybe because of a shared interest or concern.
- Supporting local groups such as Kingshurst Village Centre with Community Engagement – supporting strong, active communities within Kingshurst who can help to shape the design and delivery of the Kingshurst Project.