The SCH logo, alongside the words 'Inclusive Services Register." Below there are a diverse group of people holding hands.

Our ‘Inclusive Services Register’ is now live!

The register is a new way for you to let us know about your personal needs or any vulnerabilities you may have and how we can then adapt our services to support you best.

We are inclusive of all vulnerabilities and requirements, and we want to make sure our services are accessible to all our residents.

Here are some examples of why you may like to join the register:

Poor eyesight requirements:
  • Need letters in a bigger font size
  • Key documents on audio CD
  • Prefer verbal communication
Mobility difficulties requirements:
  • Allow extra time to reach the door
  • Allow extra time to reach the telephone


Hard of hearing requirements:
  • Knock loudly when visiting
  • Speak loudly on the phone
  • Use type talk to communicate
  • Prefer written communication


Learning difficulties or disabilities requirements:
  • Provide a coloured overlay for written communications
  • Prefer verbal communication
Mental Health requirements:
  • Signpost to support services
  • Schedule appointments at times that work best for you

Wondering how you can join the register?

You can sign up to the Inclusive Services Register today by:

All the information you provide us is treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used by us and our contractors to support you – it will not be shared with anyone else.

If you have a vulnerability, we are keen to adapt our services to support you better. Please go ahead and register today by telling us exactly how we can help you.