Parking is one of the most common causes of disputes between neighbours.
Your rent account should be up to date.
Before we approve your request we will advise you to arrange and pay for a hardstanding (a solid base for a vehicle to sit on, for example, concrete slabs) to be built on your garden. We must approve the hardstanding before we give you permission.
You will also need to contact Solihull Council and ask them to drop the kerb in front of the hardstanding. You will have to pay them to drop the kerb.
Please don’t park vehicles, particularly larger vehicles like caravans, trailers or boats, in places where they will block other peoples’ access to their properties or service roads.
If you believe a vehicle has been abandoned or parked on SCH land without permission, please contact us by using our online form.
High rise parking
Most high rises have a car park for the people who live there. Please only use the parking bays and do not park on grass verges.
There are disabled bays for people with a blue badge. Don’t park in disabled spaces if you don’t have a blue badge.
Please don’t park in places that might cause a problem for other people for example, in areas marked by yellow lines which should be kept free for bin lorries or emergency vehicles.
Do not park over fire hydrants or in front of the bin-room doors.
We have a number of garages in the borough and you can rent one from us. For more information, please visit our garages page here.