Renting a garage
We have a number of garages for rent around the borough. You can rent a garage from Solihull Council even if you don’t rent a council home.
If you are one of our tenants and would like to apply for a garage you must have a clear rent account (at least for six weeks in a row).
If you already rent a garage from us, you must have a clear garage rent account before you can register your interest in another.
How to rent a garage
To rent a garage from us you will need to register with
Council tenants or those who have already applied to be on the housing register through Solihull Home Options, please use your existing Personal Identification Number (PIN) and date of birth to log on and apply for a garage.
If you have not registered with Solihull Home Options before you will need to visit the website and select ‘Login/ My Account’ followed by ‘Register’. Please ensure you have an active email address as we will use this to communicate with you. Once you have registered you will be given a PIN. Please keep a record of this as you will need it to log on to the site in future.
We don’t need to know why you would like a garage – you can rent one even if you do not have a car, possibly for storage.
Once your application has been approved you will need to bid for a garage online via Solihull Home Options. Once you have bid for a garage of your choice we will then email you to let you know if you have been successful.
Ending your tenancy:
If you would like to end your tenancy on your garage, you must give us 7 days notice in writing.
You can return the keys to us at any point from when the notice is signed until 12 noon on the Monday following the last day of the notice period.
Please complete our ‘ending your garage tenancy’ form. (pdf 127 kB)
Advertising Garages
Unfortunately we are not able to advertise all available garages within the borough at the same time. It will be up to you to visit the Solihull Home Options website as frequently as you can to check what is being advertised and if there is a garage you wish to bid for.
Priority will be given to disabled council tenants. All others applicants will be considered on a first come first served basis.
Please do not place a bid or multiple bids if you have no real intention of renting any of the advertised garages as this causes delays in the selection process. If you do place a bid and it is successful you will be sent an email confirming this, however it may go to your spam folder so please do check this.
Notification of an offer is only sent if your bid is successful. If your bid is unsuccessful, you will not receive notification.