Graffiti is a criminal offence.
Report graffiti
Please report graffiti to the graffiti hotline on 0121 779 8900. You can also report graffiti by emailing When you contact us please tell us the exact location of the graffiti.
If the graffiti is racist or offensive, we will remove it within two working hours of it being reported. (If you report it before 2pm we will be able to remove it the same working day, otherwise we will remove it the following working day.) If the graffiti isn’t racist or offensive, we will remove it within 20 working days of it being reported.
SCH Better Places has a specialist team that removes graffiti from our properties and from council and public buildings across the borough.
Help your business beat graffiti
SCH Better Places also offers a competitively priced service for owner occupiers and businesses. Get in touch to find out how they can help you.