We are committed to making sure that all the estates in the borough are clean and tidy.
We will:
- do inspections of all roads every three months
- make sure every high-rise building is inspected every month
- act within 24 hours if we find any problem that is a risk to health and safety
- act on the results of the inspections within two working days if we don’t find anything that is a risk to health and safety
- make sure high and low-rise buildings are cleaned to a high standard
- send our contractor out to clean up if people report a mess in a shared area that could affect the health of others such as blood or vomit. In this case we respond within two hours
- remove racist or offensive graffiti within two hours of it being reported, and remove non-offensive graffiti within 20 days of it being reported.
Report problems to us
Please report anything that is making your area untidy by filling in our contact us online form.
Become a Block Advocate
You can become our “eyes and ears” in the block you live in. You can help us by reporting repairs, monitoring the communal cleaning and grass-cutting contracts. You can also give out information to other residents. For more information or to register your interest please visit our Resident Engagement contact page.