We are inclusive of all vulnerabilities and requirements, and we want to make sure our services are accessible to all of our residents. If there is something we can do to better support your physical or mental health, please let us know by signing up to the register and completing the following questionnaire.

To make sure we deliver our services in a way that is suitable for you, we are launching an ‘Inclusive Services Register.'


Tick all that apply


Tick all that apply

Visits to your home or visiting our office

Tick all that apply
Tick all that apply
Tick all that apply


Visit our SCH Wellbeing website pages for more details - https://www.solihullcommunityhousing.org.uk/advice-and-support/schwellbeing/

Contact details

Emergency contact details

Thank you for completing our questionnaire!

The information you provide will be used to assist us in understanding your enquiry. We may also use it to communicate with you and provide the services you need or are entitled to receive and to monitor our performance in providing services to you; to gather statistical information to allow us to plan future provision of services and to obtain your opinion about our services. It is therefore very important that you notify us if any of the information you have provided changes at any time. We may also need to share your information for the prevention and detection of fraud and/or other crimes or as the law requires. If you would like to learn more about how Solihull Community Housing uses personal data please refer to our Privacy Notice on the website.

GDPR statement