Any specific requirements for adaptations and/or accessible features are recorded and taken into account when allocating accommodation.

Where an applicant or member of the household requires additional adaptations and/or accessible features, a referral will be made to the Adaptations and Housing Occupational Therapist service.  They will work directly with the applicant in assessing the needs for suitable accommodation and the application will be placed in one of the three mobility groups listed below.

Property information advertised will specify the mobility level of the accommodation (corresponding to the mobility groups) as follows:

Mobility 1
  • Full wheelchair access
  • Property will include ramped or level access in and out of the property
  • Accessible kitchen and level access to bathroom
Mobility 2
  • Partial wheelchair access
  • Property will include ramped or level access
  • Accessible bathroom facilities
Mobility 3
  • Assisted access
  • Property will include level access or shallow steps with handrail
  • Accessible bathroom facilities