How do I make a homeless application?

If you are HOTD contact us on 0121 717 1515 and ask to speak to the Housing Options Team or complete an online referral using the jigsaw link and you will be contacted within two working days.

What evidence should I bring to my interview?

Applicants are expected to provide evidence of the following:

You may be asked to provide further evidence depending on your individual circumstances. It is preferable if you could send evidence electronically via the Customer Portal link here: . Or alternatively your Housing Officer will provide an email address you can send your evidence across to. If you are experiencing difficulties providing information it is important you speak to your Housing Officer to discuss this. Any delays in providing evidence will delay your homeless application.

What will happen in my homeless assessment?

You will be interviewed by a Housing Options Officer who will go over your housing circumstances and give you housing options tailored to your housing situation.

How do I contact my Housing Officer?

You will be given a minimum of one form of contact during your Housing Options interview

What duty is owed to me?

Council’s Decision Our duty to you
You are not eligible for assistance Offer advice and assistance
You are eligible for assistance but you are not Homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days Offer advice and assistance
You are eligible and threatened with homelessness within 56 days To create a Personal Housing Plan (PHP) to prevent homelessness for up to 56 days
You are eligible, become homeless but have no local connection to Solihull Referral to another local authority (if you are in priority need temporary accommodation will be provided until the referral is accepted)
You are eligible, become homeless, are in priority need and have a local connection to Solihull Provide you with temporary accommodation and PHP to relieve your homelessness within 56 days
You are eligible, still homeless after 56 days of the relief duty, in priority need and not intentionally homeless To secure accommodation in the private or social housing sectors


How long will it take to receive my final decision?

We aim to have any final decisions available to you on the 57th day after accepting a Relief duty. However there may be delays if we are expecting further information that will be affect the outcome of your decision but we will ensure you are kept informed and have the decision made available as soon as possible.

How do I request a review of a decision made by my Housing Officer?

You have the right to review any statutory decision made by your Housing Officer this request should be made in writing within 21 days of receiving your decision. All reviews are undertook by an independent reviewer and you will receive written notification of when your review has been received.