Our Safe & Sound plan provides you with a pendant alarm service, giving you confidence in your own home. Included in this plan is our unique responder service 24/7.
A single monthly membership gives you access to a wide range of useful services, helping you to maintain your independence throughout later life.
At the start of your membership, a dedicated member of the Wellbeing Team will work with you to create a personalised Safe & Sound plan, tailored specifically to your needs. This is designed to provide you and your loved ones with reassurance, expert advice and friendly support, to ensure you have everything you need to sustain your independence as you grow older.
Your personal alarm is digital, which means there is no need for a working telephone line, as the unit operates by a SIM card in the unit. All costs are included within your set monthly charges, so there is no need to worry about having to top up the SIM card.
It also means the alarm unit is future proof because it doesn’t rely on the traditional analogue telephone network, which telephone providers plan to replace with digital equipment in coming years.
Your subscription includes unlimited alarm calls. If your unit activates, the digital alarm system calls our 24-hour team using a roaming SIM card in a matter of seconds instead of using a telephone landline which can take much longer to connect.
The pendant alarm can be worn either on the wrist or around the neck for ease of access and comfort.
It quickly connects you to a highly trained operator at the press of a button, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The operator will be able to speak to you by the alarm device to assess your situation, enabling them to get you the help that you need.
The added benefit of the Safe and Sound Plan is access to our unique responder service, wherein an experienced member of the Wellbeing Team is available 24/7 to attend to emergency activations in the event of a ‘no response’ and us being unable to speak to you.
The Wellbeing Team is committed to helping the members of the Safe & Sound Plan remain socially active. Your dedicated member of the Wellbeing Team can share a comprehensive list of groups and activities in your local area that may be of interest to you. We also offer a check in with your dedicated member of the Wellbeing Team to ensure everything is ok.
We will also provide you with advice on useful equipment, aids and adaptations for you in your home to help you to remain independent with everyday tasks. Speak to your dedicated member of the Wellbeing Team to discuss your options.
Reviews of your needs and requirements will be completed throughout your membership to see if any adjustments to your plan are required.