What can you do to keep your home warm?

Here are some tips from Act On Energy which can help to make your home as warm as possible, whilst reducing your energy use and saving money:


1. Turn your thermostat down by 1 degree. 
Most people won’t notice the difference – and an extra jumper can always help. The ideal room temperature is 18-21 degrees but do consider if this is warm enough for anyone who has a vulnerability.


2. And while we’re on heating….

Set your timer to come on 15-30 minutes before you need it and switch off 30 minutes before you leave or go to bed.


3. Switch to low energy lightbulbs.

LEDs use about 90% less energy than standard bulbs. They are more expensive to buy – but last up to 12 times longer.


4. Wash your clothes on the lowest heat setting.

90% of a washing machine’s energy is used to heat up the water. Reducing your number of washes by one cycle a week will save about £34 a year. Tumble dryers use a lot of energy so whenever possible dry your clothes outside on a line.


5. Switch appliances off ‘stand-by’.

This could typically save about £65 a year.


6. Reduce your shower time.

Try setting an alarm for 3-4 minutes. You could save about £95 a year.


7. Thick curtains keep the heat in.

Keep them tucked behind radiators and pull them at dusk to avoid heat escaping through glass.


8. Be savvy in the kitchen.

– Only boil the amount of water you need when you need it. When filling the kettle like this you could save £13 a year.

– Keep a lid on it – trap the heat in your saucepan.

– Use the dishwasher only when it’s full – and reducing use by one cycle a week could save £17 a year.

– Turn the oven off a few minutes’ earlier and use residual heat to finish cooking.

– Using a microwave will also be cheaper than using the oven.

– Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly for maximum efficiency.