- For specific information for existing contractors around Procurement and Covid-19 please visit our news item.
We try to make sure that the goods and services we buy are good value for money. And we work to our own financial regulations, European Union and UK national procurement legislation.
Current tendering opportunities
We do not operate an ‘approved list of contractors’ but advertise all open opportunities to tender through the following media:
- Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) for all EU compliant procurement
- www.csw-jets.co.uk – our e-tendering portal
- Contracts Finder – the UK government website for finding contract opportunities
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (word 33 kB) to offer help to organisations who are not familiar with the Solihull Community Housing tendering process.
Contact the procurement team
We would be pleased to respond to any queries you may have regarding working with us. To contact us, please:
Email: procurement@solihullcommunityhousing.org.uk
Phone: 0121 717 1515