We have a Zero Tolerance Policy to any personal possessions left in high rise communal areas.

This is to help keep our customers safe at all times. The decision has been made with a view towards customer safety in the event of a fire.

Some residents have previously kept mobility scooters, plants, small tables and chairs outside their doors. But we are no longer able to allow this and estate assistants have been instructed to remove any personal possessions.

This decision is not one we have made lightly, but it has been taken following talks with Solihull Council and West Midlands Fire Service.

All the emergency authorities involved recommended a zero tolerance approach to belongings left in communal areas. We have started a sprinkler installation programme across all our high rises and we feel that this along with the zero tolerance approach will help keep all our customers safe in the years ahead.

If you would like to voice your opinions about the safety of your building, you can become Building Safety Advocates (BSAs), As a BSA you can learn more about building safety and the part you can play in keeping both yourself and your neighbours safe and well.