Solihull Council collects your rubbish and recycling.
We encourage recycling and Solihull Council provides a range of recycling at houses, maisonettes and flats.
You can help Solihull Council recycle by only putting clean recycling in your containers and by making the most of the space in your bin by squashing plastic bottles and cans (do not squash aerosols cans).
You can make space for cardboard by flattening, folding or tearing it and making sure all packaging (such as polystyrene) is removed.
If you need to dispose of bulky items please visit our Bulky Waste Service page.
High rise buildings
On every floor of a high rise, above the ground floor, you’ll find a hopper to the rubbish chute on the wall. Pull on the handle to open the hopper to access the chute. The chute will only take small bags of rubbish such as carrier bag size. Large bags will block the chute and create a fire risk so please do not put them down or try to force them down the rubbish chute.
Make sure you put nappies, baby wipes and pads in a small bag down the chute. Do not flush them down the toilet as this can block sewer pipes. Please do not put cat litter down the chute unless it is securely bagged first.
Don’t leave bags of rubbish outside your door or in shared areas. This is a fire hazard and puts you and your neighbours at risk.
High rise buildings have shared recycling containers. The council supply blue wheelie bins with different coloured lids labelled as:
- mixed recycling
- mixed glass
You can now place your paper, card and cardboard, plastic bottles, food pots and trays, tins and cans in either the bin with the red lid, blue lid or grey lid as the council now collect these materials together.
Please note that all recycling has to be placed loose into the recycling bins, recycling in a carrier bag will not be accepted. Please do not place big items of rubbish in the bin area; it may affect the Council from collecting your recycling and rubbish.
Do not contaminate the recycling bins by placing items in the wrong bins; the Council’s waste contractor will not empty any recycling bin that is contaminated.
Arial fly-tipping
Throwing anything out of your windows is strictly forbidden. If we catch anyone doing this they will receive a recharge and be warned against their tenancy. This is a serious health & safety matter, a fire risk and it can also attract vermin such as rats.
For more information about recycling and bin collections, please visit Solihull Council’s website.
Solihull Council collects household rubbish weekly. For more information visit the Council’s pages on household waste.
We offer a Bulky WasteCollection Service. If you have a bulky item such as a bed base, fridge or cupboard we can remove this item for you for a small charge.
- Using a high rise chute
When using a chute to dispose of rubbish, please ensure that rubbish is within a standard sized carrier bag. The chutes are not designed for the disposal of large items, which can cause blockages and create serious fire risks. If you have large items to dispose of, please give us a call.