We are committed to making sure all estates in the borough that we manage are maintained; clean, tidy and safe.

We will:

  • undertake inspections of all roads on cyclical basis
  • act on the results of the inspections within two working days if we don’t find anything that is a risk to health and safety
  • identify any health & safety issues act upon them within 24 hours
  • make sure every highrise building is inspected at least twice a week
  • inspect our low rise buildings at least once every 3 months
  • monitor the standard of cleaning in our high and low-rise buildings
  • arrange for our cleaning contractor to clean up within two hours if people report a mess in a communal area that could affect the health of others such as blood or vomit.
  • monitor Solihull Councils grounds maintenance service delivery
  • monitor Solihull Council’s waste & recycling service delivery to our high and low rise blocks


High rise buildings

Our cleaning contractor will clean ground floor entrances and lifts once a day from Monday to Friday. They will clean shared areas like corridors, landings, entrance halls and stairs once a week.

We will display the times when cleaners will be in your building on the notice board. Cleaners will sign the notice to say when they have cleaned.

If you find anything in a shared area that could be dangerous to someone’s health such as sharps or vomit, contact us immediately and we will send someone out to clean up within two hours.



SCH works with Solihull Council’s Forestry Team on the management of trees throughout the borough.

If you wish to report an issue with a tree, please read through the information on the council website here. This will detail how trees are managed and the work that can and cannot be carried out.

If the issue is something that comes under the work that can be carried out, please call us on 0121 717 1515.


Report problems to us

Please report anything that is making your area untidy by filling in our online form.